What Everyone Ought to Know About Cannabis Recipes 

You’ve probably been searching around the web for quite some time now, trying to learn as much as you can about how to make edibles for beginners. 

Or maybe you’ve even tried a chef course online, but it didn’t turn out as well as you hoped. if you’re like a lot of beginners who want to cook with cannabis, then you probably still have more questions than answers. 

Don’t despair. You too can start making sweet and savory edibles from the luxury of your home, and all you have to do is tweak your strategy a bit. Generally, that means you need to avoid making the following five common beginner cooking with cannabis mistakes. Read on…

Not Decarbing Mistake #1: Just guessing, but I’m betting that close to half of beginning cannabis chefs make this mistake. 

Worse yet, some of the blogs and products you find around the web actually teach people this decarbing mistake with wrong temperatures, times, and equipment. 

If you see someone advocating a blanket approach to cooking with cannabis, run. That’s because there is no one-size-fits-all, decarbing is a pivotal first step to fully reap the benefits of cooking with cannabis or your experience could be quite frustrating. 

Instead, what you want to do is make a custom approach to decarbing and play within a range depending on your extraction method. 


Ingredients Mistake #2: This is another exceedingly common mistake, simply because we think all edibles are created equal. However, if you want to create repeatable results with your sweet and savory cannabis edibles, then you need to make sure you don’t ignore the ingredients in the recipe. And focus on how you want to feel after consuming. 

Extraction Mistake #3: Don’t feel bad if you make this mistake. That’s because even some of the biggest experts in the cannabis industry can do this in the very beginning of their cooking with cannabis journey, properly extracting can take a while to perfect. 

So instead of thinking you have to get a sous vide machine to get the most out of your cannabis extraction, just grab a large pot and a Ziploc bag or a mason jar to make a great home extraction. Your bank account will thank you for it.

How to Dose Mistake #4: This one is a little tricky, simply because you could be perfectly on track and doing all the right things, but suddenly you realize you don’t know how to dose your cannabis recipes for your infused dinner party. If it happens to you, don’t worry – you can get back on track by knowing your dosing goals and The Big 5.

All you have to do is

  1. Know what is CBD/THC percentage in your cannabis or hemp?

  2. Know the weight of your decarbed cannabis or hemp

  3. Know how much non-infused carrier fat your recipe calls for

  4. How Many Servings Per Recipe

  5. What’s the unit of measurement (Oz, Tbsp, mL)

Cooking Off Cannabinoids Mistake #5: From what I’ve seen by talking to a whole lot of novice cannabis cooks is that all of them make this beginner mistake. 

However, those who do their homework found this tip exceeding helpful because not wasting your cannabis is rule number 1. I’ve even known people who’ve just wanted to completely give up on cooking with cannabis after they burned off the full benefits of certain cannabinoids.

Fortunately, you can avoid it fairly easily, simply by remembering cannabinoids burn off at different temperatures. In summary, most cannabinoids and terpenes burn off around 342 degrees. 

Yes, it’s true – now you too can achieve cook with cannabis success, especially if you avoid these common novice cannabis chef mistakes. Try it out today to prove it to yourself!

But believe it or not, this is only half. Are you ready to crack the “secret” code to cooking with cannabis? Grab our Wellness Workbook that has everything you need to start your journey. 

Need a little more attention? Drop into our next Cooking with Cannabis Workshop